Final CGI – 124-126 Diban Avenue, RM12 4YH
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diban avenue mapped
  • For Sale
  • Offers Over £1,000,000
  • 124-126 Diban Avenue, Hornchurch, Essex, RM12 4YH
  • Residential Development

Residential Development

| February 24, 2022

Executive Summary

  • Planning consent for the erection of 5 x 3-bedroom dwellings with associated amenity space and car parking.
  • Each house has a designated parking space and a total of 3 x bathrooms (2 x en-suites).
  • Located in a predominantly residential area approximately 0.2 miles from Elm Park tube station.
  • We anticipate that all units would benefit from the current Help to Buy scheme.
  • Offers are invited in excess of £1,000,000, subject to contract.

The site is located on the south side of Diban Avenue within a predominantly residential area and is currently used as the rear garden for 124-126 Diban Avenue. Elm Park tube station which is on the District Line is 0.2 miles away and provides a regular service into central London in approximately 40 minutes. The area around the station is vibrant with a range of coffee shops, convenience stores and independent retailers. The site is not within a conservation area and does not contain any listed buildings.

Please note all distances given are approximate only.

The London Borough of Havering planning department have granted approval for the erection of 5 x 3-bedroom dwellings with associated amenity space and car parking. There are 3 relevant consents summarised as follows;

P1123.18 – Outline application for the erection of 5 x 3-bedroom two storey dwellings plus accommodation in the roof space with associated amenity space, car parking and cycle parking (All matters reserved). Dated September 2019.

P1878.19 – Application for approval of reserved matters for access and layout only following outline approval. Dated April 2020.

P0620.20 – Reserved matters application for outline application P1123.18 (5-3 bedroom two storey dwellings plus accommodation in the roof space plus amenity space and car parking) appearance landscape and scale. Dated July 2020.

We understand that there is no S106 payment due. It is anticipated the CIL payment will be £91,500. All interested parties are advised to verify these figures with the London Borough of Havering planning department.

It might be possible to reconfigure the design to create an additional unit, subject to obtaining the appropriate consents.

Each house will be approximately 122 square metres with generous gardens and allocated parking. Please see brochure for full accommodation schedule. Please note the sizes given are approximate only and all interested parties must rely on their own investigations and surveys.

Offers are invited in excess of £1,000,000 subject to contract.

The freehold interest is to be sold with full vacant possession.

We understand that the property has not been elected for VAT.

Data Room
A data room has been set up and access is available on request.

Viewings are strictly by appointment through sole agents Harston&Co.

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